
Step by step documentation how to properly install script.


  1. Download the script from keymaster.

  2. Open downloaded zip, copy [rcore_xmas] folder and put it in resources folder to your server files.

  3. Go to your server.cfg and add ensure [rcore_xmas].

  4. Go to [rcore_xmas]/rcore_xmas/config.lua and edit Framework, Inventory, Target and Database by your server specifications.

Framework = Framework.ESX, -- [ESX - es_extended, QBCore - qb-core, Standalone - standalone]
Inventory = Inventories.OX, -- [OX - ox_inventory, QB - qb-inventory, QS - qs-inventory, MF - mf-inventory]
Target = Target.OX, -- [NONE - none (pressing E), OX - ox_target, QB - qb-target, Q - qtarget]
Database = Database.MYSQL_ASYNC, -- [OX - ox_mysql, MYSQL_ASYNC - mysql-async, GHMATTI - ghmattimysql]

Last updated

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