How to define/change default Prisoner outfits?


  • This guide will walk you through the process of customizing prisoner outfits.

Prisoner outfits were configured on server without any addon clothing!


  • To adjust your prison outfits for your clothing script, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the outfits file

    • Navigate to the directory where the outfits.lua file is located: rcore_prison/outfits.lua.

    • Open outfits.lua in a text editor of your choice.

  2. Find your clothing resource

    • Inside the outfits.lua file, find the section that matches your supported clothing resource.

    • For example, if your server uses skinchanger, look for ['skinchanger'] in the file.

['skinchanger'] = {
    ['Male'] = {
            name = _U('OUTFITS.WITH_TOP'),
            components = {
                skin = {
                    decals_1     = 0,
                    decals_2     = 0,
                    pants_1      = 5,
                    pants_2      = 7,
                    mask_1       = 0,
                    mask_2       = 0,
                    bproof_1     = 0,
                    bproof_2     = 0,
                    chain_1      = 0,
                    chain_2      = 0,
                    helmet_1     = 14,
                    helmet_2     = 0,
                    glasses_1    = -1,
                    glasses_2    = 0,
                    arms         = 5,
                    tshirt_1     = 15,
                    tshirt_2     = 0,
                    torso_1      = 238,
                    torso_2      = 0,
                    shoes_1      = 7,
                    shoes_2      = 0,
    ['Female'] = {
            name = _U('OUTFITS.WITH_TOP'),
            components = {
                skin = {
                    tshirt_2     = 0,
                    torso_2      = 0,
                    decals_1     = 0,
                    decals_2     = 0,
                    pants_1      = 66,
                    pants_2      = 6,
                    mask_1       = 0,
                    mask_2       = 0,
                    bproof_1     = 0,
                    bproof_2     = 0,
                    chain_1      = 0,
                    chain_2      = 0,
                    helmet_1     = -1,
                    helmet_2     = 0,
                    glasses_1    = -1,
                    glasses_2    = 0,
                    arms         = 15,
                    tshirt_1     = 15,
                    torso_1      = 23,
                    shoes_1      = 27,
                    shoes_2      = 0,
  1. Customize the Values

  • Once you find your supported clothing resource, customize the values for each category as desired.

  • To understand the numbers better, refer to the clothing index here: RAGE MP Clothes: link

  • Note that you might need to find proper values on your server, especially if you have custom addon clothing that changes the default IDs.

  1. Example Customization

  • Here's an example of how to customize the outfits for both male and female characters using the skinchanger resource.

['skinchanger'] = {
    ['Male'] = {
            name = _U('OUTFITS.WITH_TOP'),
            components = {
                skin = {
                    decals_1     = 0,
                    decals_2     = 0,
                    pants_1      = 10,  -- Customized value - Pants will use clothing under ID: 10
                    pants_2      = 3,   -- Customized value
                    mask_1       = 0,
                    mask_2       = 0,
                    bproof_1     = 1,   -- Customized value
                    bproof_2     = 1,   -- Customized value
                    chain_1      = 2,   -- Customized value
                    chain_2      = 2,   -- Customized value
                    helmet_1     = 14,
                    helmet_2     = 0,
                    glasses_1    = 1,   -- Customized value
                    glasses_2    = 0,
                    arms         = 11,  -- Customized value
                    tshirt_1     = 16,  -- Customized value
                    tshirt_2     = 1,   -- Customized value
                    torso_1      = 240, -- Customized value
                    torso_2      = 0,
                    shoes_1      = 10,  -- Customized value
                    shoes_2      = 1,   -- Customized value
    ['Female'] = {
            name = _U('OUTFITS.WITH_TOP'),
            components = {
                skin = {
                    tshirt_2     = 0,
                    torso_2      = 0,
                    decals_1     = 0,
                    decals_2     = 0,
                    pants_1      = 70,  -- Customized value
                    pants_2      = 3,   -- Customized value
                    mask_1       = 1,   -- Customized value
                    mask_2       = 1,   -- Customized value
                    bproof_1     = 1,   -- Customized value
                    bproof_2     = 1,   -- Customized value
                    chain_1      = 1,   -- Customized value
                    chain_2      = 1,   -- Customized value
                    helmet_1     = -1,
                    helmet_2     = 0,
                    glasses_1    = 1,   -- Customized value
                    glasses_2    = 0,
                    arms         = 20,  -- Customized value
                    tshirt_1     = 16,  -- Customized value
                    torso_1      = 25,  -- Customized value
                    shoes_1      = 30,  -- Customized value
                    shoes_2      = 1,   -- Customized value
  1. Customize the Values

  • Save your changes in outfits.lua.

  • Restart your Prison script: Type these command in your server console (txAdmin - live console) - [refresh, ensure rcore_prison]

  • Test the customized outfits in-game to ensure they appear as expected.

  • By following these steps, you can easily customize prisoner outfits for your server. If you have any custom addon clothing, make sure to adjust the values accordingly.

Last updated