Adding the ammunation job for QBCore

Disclaimer: This is meant for developers, please create a ticket if you require assistance on how to add this to your server

Add this snippet to qb-core/shared/jobs.lua

['ammunation'] = {
    label = 'Ammunation',
    defaultDuty = true,
    offDutyPay = false,
    grades = {
        ['0'] = {
            name = 'Weapon Dealer',
            payment = 125
        ['1'] = {
            name = 'Owner',
            isboss = true,
            payment = 150

Add this snippet to Config.BossMenus in qb-management/client/cl_config.lua

['ammunation'] = {
    vector3(13.98, -1106.38, 29.8), -- Note this only adds a boss menu for power_st

Add this snippet to Config.BossMenuZones in qb-management/client/cl_config.lua

['ammunation'] = {
    { coords = vector3(13.98, -1106.38, 29.8), length = 0.35, width = 0.45, heading = 337.0, minZ = 29.1, maxZ = 30.7}, -- Note this only adds a boss menu for power_st

Now, run this SQL in your database. This will give the ammunation job $50,000 to order some weapons to sell

INSERT INTO `management_funds` (`job_name`, `amount`, `type`) VALUES
('ammunation', 50000, 'boss');

You'll have to set an owner of the job. You can do this using /setjob [playerID] ammunation 1. Once you have set an owner, they can hire employees from the boss menu.

Last updated

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