Here you can find all informations related to our Config system.
Basic Configs
Client config
This config is inside config/cl_config.lua
CL_CONFIG.EnableInfoContainer = true -- Enable an small info container at the bottom of the screen
-- Priority 'low', 'medium' or 'high'
-- Car robbery, shop robbery and bank robbery can be found inside client/api/alert_handlers.lua
CL_CONFIG.AlertCommands = {
command = '911',
job = { 'police' },
code = '10-13',
default_priority = 'medium',
enabled = true,
anonymous = false,
command = 'anon911',
job = { 'police' },
code = '10-13',
default_priority = 'medium',
enabled = true,
anonymous = true,
command = 'sos',
code = 'P2',
job = { 'police', 'ambulance' },
default_priority = 'high',
enabled = true,
anonymous = false
CL_CONFIG.UtilityCommands = {
['toggle_switchboard'] = {
command = 'dispatch',
enabled = true,
['open_nui_map'] = {
command = 'panel',
enabled = true,
['switchboard_config'] = {
command = 'config_switch',
enabled = true,
CL_CONFIG.EnableRadioOnPanel = true -- Enable the radio while using the panel
CL_CONFIG.HideIfNoAlerts = false -- Hide the dispatch if there are not alerts
CL_CONFIG.AlertSound = true -- Enables sound in alerts
CL_CONFIG.MoveOnConfigSwitch = true -- Move when opening the fast access tab in the dispatch
CL_CONFIG.SetAlsoUnit = true -- Set the unit when setting the radio from the fast access tab in the dispatch
CL_CONFIG.ShootingAlerts = true -- Enable shooting alerts
CL_CONFIG.CarRobberyPicture = true -- Enable car robbery picture (if you have screenshot-basic resource)
-- This webhook is not a problem for hackers, as it is an irrelevant webhook used to uploading pictures.
-- You can use this webhook or use your own webhook (if you use your own, create an special channel for it and mute it)
CL_CONFIG.CarRobberyPictureWebhook =
CL_CONFIG.AudioConfirmations = {
['own_frequency_changed'] = {
enabled = true,
url = ''
['someone_joined_frequency'] = {
enabled = true,
url = ''
['someone_left_frequency'] = {
enabled = true,
url = ''
-- Custom suggestions
TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/911', 'Call emergency services', {
{ name = 'report', help = 'Type your emergency report' }
TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/anon911', 'Call emergency services anonymously', {
{ name = 'report', help = 'Type your emergency report' }
TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/sos', 'Call emergency services', {
{ name = 'report', help = 'Type your emergency report' }
TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/vehrob', 'Report a vehicle robbery', {})
TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/panel', 'Open the dispatch panel', {})
TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/config_switch', 'Open the dispatch configuration panel', {})
TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/dispatch', 'Toggle the dispatch switchboard', {})
KEYS = {
['ESC'] = 322,
['F1'] = 288,
['F2'] = 289,
['F3'] = 170,
['F5'] = 166,
['F6'] = 167,
['F7'] = 168,
['F8'] = 169,
['F9'] = 56,
['F10'] = 57,
['~'] = 243,
['1'] = 157,
['2'] = 158,
['3'] = 160,
['4'] = 164,
['5'] = 165,
['6'] = 159,
['7'] = 161,
['8'] = 162,
['9'] = 163,
['-'] = 84,
['='] = 83,
['BACKSPACE'] = 177,
['TAB'] = 37,
['Q'] = 44,
['W'] = 32,
['E'] = 38,
['R'] = 45,
['T'] = 245,
['Y'] = 246,
['U'] = 303,
['P'] = 199,
['['] = 39,
[']'] = 40,
['ENTER'] = 18,
['CAPS'] = 137,
['A'] = 34,
['S'] = 8,
['D'] = 9,
['F'] = 23,
['G'] = 47,
['H'] = 74,
['K'] = 311,
['L'] = 182,
['LEFTSHIFT'] = 21,
['Z'] = 20,
['X'] = 73,
['C'] = 26,
['V'] = 0,
['B'] = 29,
['N'] = 249,
['M'] = 244,
[','] = 82,
['.'] = 81,
['LEFTCTRL'] = 36,
['LEFTALT'] = 19,
['SPACE'] = 22,
['RIGHTCTRL'] = 70,
['HOME'] = 213,
['PAGEUP'] = 10,
['PAGEDOWN'] = 11,
['DELETE'] = 178,
['LEFT'] = 174,
['RIGHT'] = 175,
['TOP'] = 27,
['DOWN'] = 173,
['NENTER'] = 201,
['N4'] = 108,
['N5'] = 60,
['N6'] = 107,
['N+'] = 96,
['N-'] = 97,
['N7'] = 117,
['N8'] = 61,
['N9'] = 118,
CL_CONFIG.Controls = { -- With the controls of the previous list, you can include a control for each action. (Global radio can also be changed with a keymap)
next_alert = 'RIGHT',
prev_alert = 'LEFT',
accept_alert = 'DOWN',
global_radio = 'Z', -- Or specific emit radio
switch_config = 'F10'
CL_CONFIG.Colors = { -- Modify the painting colors, you should include the RGB color spaced by commas and with the name of each color.
{ { 100, 5, 20 }, 'RED' },
{ { 0, 57, 255 }, 'BLUE' },
{ { 255, 143, 0 }, 'ORANGE' },
{ { 255, 251, 0 }, 'YELLOW' },
{ { 199, 0, 255 }, 'PINK' }
Server config
This config is inside config/sv_config.lua
-- nil = automatic detection, number = force to use this API instead.
-- 0 = oxmysql
-- 1 = ghmattimysql
-- 2 = mysql-async
SV_CONFIG.MysqlType = nil -- We recommend letting this as nil
SV_CONFIG.SaveStatsTime = 5 -- In minutes
SV_CONFIG.TimeToDelete = 15 -- Time in minutes to perform a server side alert cleanup
SV_CONFIG.DrawLimit = 5 -- Draw limit x job
SV_CONFIG.DaysToSaveStats = 7 -- How much days will keep the dispatch tracked the stats
SV_CONFIG.Logs = {
enabled = false,
webhook =
actions = {
alert = 'The user sent the following alert: **__%s__**',
unit_changed = 'The user changed their unit to **__%s__**',
unit_user_changed = 'The user changed the unit of id **__%s__** to **__%s__**',
subscribe_alert = 'The user subscribed to the following alert: **__%s__**',
unsubscribe_alert = 'The user unsubscribed from the following alert: **__%s__**',
add_paint = 'The user added a paint',
remove_paint = 'The user removed a paint',
Last updated
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