
Step by step documentation how to properly install script.


  1. Download the script from keymaster.

  2. Open downloaded zip, copy [prison] folder and put it in resources folder to your server files.

  3. Go to your server.cfg and add ensure [prison] as last ensured resource in your server.cfg!

  4. Add to bottom of server.cfg permission part (script need this permission to use properly ACE permission)

add_ace resource.rcore_prison command.add_ace allow
add_ace resource.rcore_prison command.remove_ace allow
add_ace resource.rcore_prison command.add_principal allow
add_ace resource.rcore_prison command.remove_principal allow


You can adjust all command names in config.lua



Use this to manage prisoners in your city

/jail playerId time reason

For jailing citizens

/startcs playerId amount

For setting citizens into COMS

/unjail playerId

For unjailing target citizen

/removescs playerId

For removing citizen COMS


Stop current active alarm

/solitary playerId time

For setting prisoners to solitary

/rsolitary playerId

For removing player from solitary

Discord log

  1. Go to rcore_prison/sconfig.lua

  2. Change SConfig.LogWebhook value

Last updated