Migrate data from other systems
Migrate command can be only turn on from server-console.
Base command: rcore_tattoos_migrate
ESX tattoos with different data structure, you can check it when you have in users table tattoos column with texture:1 for example.
Our script load file from that resource to get tattoo data by indexes in database.
Default resource name: esx_tattooshop
Default path: client/tattooList.lua
You can edit it in rcore_tattoos/server/migration/types/esxTattooShops.lua line 26-27
rcore_tattoos_migrate esxTattooShops
rcore_tattoos_migrate dpTattoos
rcore_tattoos_migrate mxTattoos
ESX tattoos are same as option xnTattoos
rcore_tattoos_migrate xnTattoos
rcore_tattoos_migrate xnTattoos
📦 https://github.com/iLLeniumStudios/illenium-appearance/releases/
Our script works with illenium-appearance v4.5.1 and above.
All you have to do is open illenium-appearance/config.lua
and set
Config.RCoreTattoosCompatibility = true
fivem-apperance with tattoos
rcore_tattoos_migrate fivemApperance
Disable tattoos at character creation, if you dont these tattoos will not be handled properly by rcore_tattoos
Config.NewCharacterSections = {
Ped = true,
HeadBlend = true,
FaceFeatures = true,
HeadOverlays = true,
Components = true,
Props = true,
Tattoos = false
Comment the tattoo part of code
Config.TargetConfig = {
["clothing"] = {
model = "s_f_m_shop_high",
icon = "fas fa-tshirt",
label = "Open Clothing Store",
distance = 3
["barber"] = {
model = "s_m_m_hairdress_01",
icon = "fas fa-scissors",
label = "Open Barber Shop",
distance = 3
--["tattoo"] = {
-- model = "u_m_y_tattoo_01",
-- icon = "fas fa-pen",
-- label = "Open Tattoo Shop",
-- distance = 3
["surgeon"] = {
model = "s_m_m_doctor_01",
icon = "fas fa-scalpel",
label = "Open Surgeon",
distance = 3
["clothingroom"] = {
model = "mp_g_m_pros_01",
icon = "fas fa-sign-in-alt",
label = "Open Job / Gang Clothes Menu",
distance = 3
["playeroutfitroom"] = {
model = "mp_g_m_pros_01",
icon = "fas fa-sign-in-alt",
label = "Open Outfits Menu",
distance = 3
Comment out all shopType = "tattoo"
from Config.Stores
Config.Stores = {
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(1693.2, 4828.11, 42.07, 188.66),
width = 4,
length = 4,
showBlip = true, -- showBlip overrides the blip visibilty configured above for the group
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(1686.9018554688, 4829.8330078125),
vector2(1698.8566894531, 4831.4604492188),
vector2(1700.2448730469, 4817.7734375),
vector2(1688.3682861328, 4816.2954101562)
minZ = 42.07 - 1.5,
maxZ = 42.07 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(-705.5, -149.22, 37.42, 122),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-719.86212158203, -147.83151245117),
vector2(-709.10491943359, -141.53076171875),
vector2(-699.94342041016, -157.44494628906),
vector2(-710.68774414062, -163.64665222168)
minZ = 37.42 - 1.5,
maxZ = 37.42 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(-1192.61, -768.4, 17.32, 216.6),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-1206.9552001953, -775.06304931641),
vector2(-1190.6080322266, -764.03198242188),
vector2(-1184.5672607422, -772.16949462891),
vector2(-1199.24609375, -783.07928466797)
minZ = 17.32 - 1.5,
maxZ = 17.32 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(425.91, -801.03, 29.49, 177.79),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(419.55020141602, -798.36547851562),
vector2(431.61773681641, -798.31909179688),
vector2(431.19784545898, -812.07122802734),
vector2(419.140625, -812.03594970703)
minZ = 29.49 - 1.5,
maxZ = 29.49 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(-168.73, -301.41, 39.73, 238.67),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-160.82145690918, -313.85919189453),
vector2(-172.56513977051, -309.82858276367),
vector2(-166.5775604248, -292.48077392578),
vector2(-154.84906005859, -296.51647949219)
minZ = 39.73 - 1.5,
maxZ = 39.73 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(75.39, -1398.28, 29.38, 6.73),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(81.406135559082, -1400.7791748047),
vector2(69.335029602051, -1400.8251953125),
vector2(69.754981994629, -1387.078125),
vector2(81.500122070312, -1387.3002929688)
minZ = 29.38 - 1.5,
maxZ = 29.38 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(-827.39, -1075.93, 11.33, 294.31),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-826.26251220703, -1082.6293945312),
vector2(-832.27856445312, -1072.2819824219),
vector2(-820.16442871094, -1065.7727050781),
vector2(-814.08953857422, -1076.1878662109)
minZ = 11.33 - 1.5,
maxZ = 11.33 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(-1445.86, -240.78, 49.82, 36.17),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-1448.4829101562, -226.39401245117),
vector2(-1439.2475585938, -234.70428466797),
vector2(-1451.5389404297, -248.33193969727),
vector2(-1460.7554931641, -240.02815246582)
minZ = 49.82 - 1.5,
maxZ = 49.82 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(9.22, 6515.74, 31.88, 131.27),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(6.4955291748047, 6522.205078125),
vector2(14.737417221069, 6513.3872070312),
vector2(4.3691010475159, 6504.3452148438),
vector2(-3.5187695026398, 6513.1538085938)
minZ = 31.88 - 1.5,
maxZ = 31.88 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(615.35, 2762.72, 42.09, 170.51),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(612.58312988281, 2747.2814941406),
vector2(612.26214599609, 2767.0520019531),
vector2(622.37548828125, 2767.7614746094),
vector2(623.66833496094, 2749.5180664062)
minZ = 42.09 - 1.5,
maxZ = 42.09 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(1191.61, 2710.91, 38.22, 269.96),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(1188.7923583984, 2704.2021484375),
vector2(1188.7498779297, 2716.2661132812),
vector2(1202.4979248047, 2715.8479003906),
vector2(1202.3558349609, 2703.9294433594)
minZ = 38.22 - 1.5,
maxZ = 38.22 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(-3171.32, 1043.56, 20.86, 334.3),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-3162.0075683594, 1056.7303466797),
vector2(-3170.8247070312, 1039.0412597656),
vector2(-3180.0979003906, 1043.1201171875),
vector2(-3172.7292480469, 1059.8623046875)
minZ = 20.86 - 1.5,
maxZ = 20.86 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(-1105.52, 2707.79, 19.11, 317.19),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-1103.3004150391, 2700.8195800781),
vector2(-1111.3771972656, 2709.884765625),
vector2(-1100.8548583984, 2718.638671875),
vector2(-1093.1976318359, 2709.7365722656)
minZ = 19.11 - 1.5,
maxZ = 19.11 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(-1207.65, -1456.89, 4.37, 38.59),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-1205.6013183594, -1458.033203125),
vector2(-1206.1661376953, -1458.4085693359),
vector2(-1207.8792724609, -1459.1596679688),
vector2(-1207.5522460938, -1457.9649658203),
vector2(-1206.0816650391, -1457.181640625)
minZ = 4.37 - 1.5,
maxZ = 4.37 + 1.5,
shopType = "clothing",
coords = vector4(124.82, -224.36, 54.56, 335.41),
width = 4,
length = 4,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(133.60948181152, -210.31390380859),
vector2(125.8349609375, -228.48097229004),
vector2(116.3140335083, -225.02020263672),
vector2(122.56930541992, -207.83396911621)
minZ = 54.56 - 1.5,
maxZ = 54.56 + 1.5,
shopType = "barber",
coords = vector4(-814.22, -183.7, 37.57, 116.91),
width = 2,
length = 2,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-825.06127929688, -182.67497253418),
vector2(-808.82415771484, -179.19134521484),
vector2(-808.55261230469, -184.9720916748),
vector2(-819.77899169922, -191.81831359863)
minZ = 37.57 - 1.5,
maxZ = 37.57 + 1.5,
shopType = "barber",
coords = vector4(136.78, -1708.4, 29.29, 144.19),
width = 2,
length = 2,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(132.57008361816, -1710.5053710938),
vector2(138.77899169922, -1702.6778564453),
vector2(142.73052978516, -1705.6853027344),
vector2(135.49719238281, -1712.9750976562)
minZ = 29.29 - 1.5,
maxZ = 29.29 + 1.5,
shopType = "barber",
coords = vector4(-1282.57, -1116.84, 6.99, 89.25),
width = 2,
length = 2,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-1287.4735107422, -1115.4364013672),
vector2(-1277.5638427734, -1115.1229248047),
vector2(-1277.2469482422, -1120.1147460938),
vector2(-1287.4561767578, -1119.2506103516)
minZ = 6.9 - 1.5,
maxZ = 6.9 + 1.5,
shopType = "barber",
coords = vector4(1931.41, 3729.73, 32.84, 212.08),
width = 2,
length = 2,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(1932.4931640625, 3725.3374023438),
vector2(1927.2720947266, 3733.7663574219),
vector2(1931.4379882812, 3736.5327148438),
vector2(1936.0697021484, 3727.2839355469)
minZ = 32.8 - 1.5,
maxZ = 32.8 + 1.5,
shopType = "barber",
coords = vector4(1212.8, -472.9, 65.2, 60.94),
width = 2,
length = 2,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(1208.3327636719, -469.84338378906),
vector2(1217.9066162109, -472.40216064453),
vector2(1216.9870605469, -477.00939941406),
vector2(1206.1077880859, -473.83499145508)
minZ = 65.2 - 1.5,
maxZ = 65.2 + 1.5,
shopType = "barber",
coords = vector4(-32.9, -152.3, 56.1, 335.22),
width = 2,
length = 2,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-29.730783462524, -148.67495727539),
vector2(-32.919719696045, -158.04254150391),
vector2(-37.612594604492, -156.62759399414),
vector2(-33.30192565918, -147.31649780273)
minZ = 56.1 - 1.5,
maxZ = 56.1 + 1.5,
shopType = "barber",
coords = vector4(-278.1, 6228.5, 30.7, 49.32),
width = 2,
length = 2,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(-280.29818725586, 6232.7265625),
vector2(-273.06427001953, 6225.9692382812),
vector2(-276.25280761719, 6222.4013671875),
vector2(-282.98211669922, 6230.015625)
minZ = 30.7 - 1.5,
maxZ = 30.7 + 1.5,
-- shopType = "tattoo",
-- coords = vector4(1322.6, -1651.9, 51.2, 42.47),
-- width = 2,
-- length = 2,
-- zone = {
-- shape = {
-- vector2(1323.9360351562, -1649.2370605469),
-- vector2(1328.0186767578, -1654.3087158203),
-- vector2(1322.5780029297, -1657.7045898438),
-- vector2(1319.2043457031, -1653.0885009766)
-- },
-- minZ = 51.2 - 1.5,
-- maxZ = 51.2 + 1.5,
-- }
-- shopType = "tattoo",
-- coords = vector4(-1154.01, -1425.31, 4.95, 23.21),
-- width = 2,
-- length = 2,
-- zone = {
-- shape = {
-- vector2(-1152.7110595703, -1422.8382568359),
-- vector2(-1149.0043945312, -1428.1975097656),
-- vector2(-1154.6730957031, -1431.1898193359),
-- vector2(-1157.7064208984, -1426.3433837891)
-- },
-- minZ = 4.95 - 1.5,
-- maxZ = 4.95 + 1.5,
-- }
-- shopType = "tattoo",
-- coords = vector4(322.62, 180.34, 103.59, 156.2),
-- width = 2,
-- length = 2,
-- zone = {
-- shape = {
-- vector2(319.28741455078, 179.9383392334),
-- vector2(321.537109375, 186.04516601562),
-- vector2(327.24526977539, 183.12303161621),
-- vector2(325.01351928711, 177.8542175293)
-- },
-- minZ = 103.5 - 1.5,
-- maxZ = 103.5 + 1.5,
-- }
-- shopType = "tattoo",
-- coords = vector4(-3169.52, 1074.86, 20.83, 253.29),
-- width = 2,
-- length = 2,
-- zone = {
-- shape = {
-- vector2(-3169.5861816406, 1072.3740234375),
-- vector2(-3175.4802246094, 1075.0703125),
-- vector2(-3172.2041015625, 1080.5860595703),
-- vector2(-3167.076171875, 1078.0391845703)
-- },
-- minZ = 20.83 - 1.5,
-- maxZ = 20.83 + 1.5,
-- }
-- shopType = "tattoo",
-- coords = vector4(1864.1, 3747.91, 33.03, 17.23),
-- width = 2,
-- length = 2,
-- zone = {
-- shape = {
-- vector2(1860.2752685547, 3750.1608886719),
-- vector2(1866.390625, 3752.8081054688),
-- vector2(1868.6164550781, 3747.3562011719),
-- vector2(1863.65234375, 3744.5034179688)
-- },
-- minZ = 33.03 - 1.5,
-- maxZ = 33.03 + 1.5,
-- }
-- shopType = "tattoo",
-- coords = vector4(-294.24, 6200.12, 31.49, 195.72),
-- width = 2,
-- length = 2,
-- zone = {
-- shape = {
-- vector2(-289.42239379883, 6198.68359375),
-- vector2(-294.69515991211, 6194.5366210938),
-- vector2(-298.23013305664, 6199.2451171875),
-- vector2(-294.1501159668, 6203.2700195312)
-- },
-- minZ = 31.49 - 1.5,
-- maxZ = 31.49 + 1.5,
-- }
shopType = "surgeon",
coords = vector4(298.78, -572.81, 43.26, 114.27),
width = 2,
length = 2,
zone = {
shape = {
vector2(298.84417724609, -572.92205810547),
vector2(296.39556884766, -575.65942382812),
vector2(293.56317138672, -572.60675048828),
vector2(296.28656005859, -570.330078125)
minZ = 43.26 - 1.5,
maxZ = 43.26 + 1.5,
Last updated
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