Spawning a Pong Table

Ability to spawn more Table Tennis tables through the script.

Table Tennis objects that's already spawned by other scripts/maps will be playable. If you want to spawn extra tables, you can do it in config.lua

Objects = {{
        pos = vector3(-1718.739502, -1109.655029, 12.152875),
        heading = 318.5,
        model = "prop_table_tennis"
    }, {
        pos = vector3(-1715.743652, -1112.305542, 12.152875),
        heading = 318.5,
        model = "prop_table_tennis"
    }, {
        pos = vector3(-1719.719360, -1116.799194, 12.152875),
        heading = 318.5,
        model = "prop_table_tennis"
    }, {
        pos = vector3(-1722.715210, -1114.148804, 12.152875),
        heading = 318.5,
        model = "prop_table_tennis"
    }, {
        pos = vector3(-1477.696, -954.5209, 9.20347),
        heading = 318.0 + 90.0,
        model = "prop_table_tennis"
    }, {
        pos = vector3(39.75943, 537.7939, 174.8531),
        heading = 110.0,
        model = "prop_table_tennis"
    }, {
        pos = vector3(-589.0319, 105.8244, 67.19884),
        heading = 0.0,
        model = "prop_table_tennis"

Table Models

You can use one of the color variations when spawning tables, in the config.

Last updated