Tattoo permissions

If you previously used permissions directly in .json files, you can still keep it there, however it is recommended to use approach described below for any new permissions.

Tattoo permissions are used to limit certain tattoos to players only with some job or identifier.

  • Example usage 1: Tattoo of gang symbol only available in shop, if you have gang job

  • Example usage 2: VIP tattoo available only for one (or more) player(s) with certain identifier

👉 Job permissions working only with ESX/QBCore or if you have made your custom framework integration. Identifier permissions are working standalone.


Permissions can be easily configured in rcore_tattoos/config_permissions.lua


This is just an example, whole process described below if needed

ConfigPermissions = {
    MP_Airraces_Tattoo_001_M = { -- tattoo hashMale or hashFemale, up to you
        -- Limit tattoo to players with certain jobs
        jobs = {
            { -- Available for 'police' job, from grade 1 
              name = "police",
              grade = 1
            { -- Also avaiable for 'taxi' job, any grade
              name = "taxi"

        -- Limit tattoo to certain players
        identifiers = {
            'db123456abcdefghij7890', -- example identifier

How to configure permission of a tattoo?

When you open the config specified above, you will see something like this:

ConfigPermissions = {

Each tattoo that should be allowed only to certain players must be defined here. As an identifier, use hashMale or hashFemale of the tattoo, which can be found in the .json file the tattoo is at (in rcore_tattoos/assets/tattooLists/*.json)

Pay attention to all quotation marks and commas, because if you miss some, your config could not work properly.

So first we define the tattoo we want to restrict:

ConfigPermissions = {
    MP_Airraces_Tattoo_001_M = {


Then you can specify either a job limitation, or identifier.. or both!


In the example provided, you can see we added jobs to the permissions and then defined two jobs that the player must have to see the tattoo in the shop. You can define as many jobs, as you want.

  • name - name of the job (the same name you put into /setjob etc.)

  • grade - optional

    • if used, the tattoo will only be available from that grade, (see job 1.)

    • if not, tattoo will be available with any grade in that job (see job 2.)

ConfigPermissions = {
    MP_Airraces_Tattoo_001_M = {
        jobs = {
                name = 'police',
                grade = 1,
                name = 'taxi',


In the example provided, you can see we added identifiers to the permissions and defined two identifiers. The tattoo will only be available for the two players with those identifiers

❗ Important

  • one identifier = one player

  • you can use as many identifiers as you want

  • the identifier you define here must be same you use in your users/players database

  • the identifier type must be same as you set up in Config.LicenseType in config.lua

  • also pay attention if the identifier has prefix or not, also configured in Config.LicenseWithoutPrefix in config.lua

ConfigPermissions = {
    MP_Airraces_Tattoo_001_M = {
        identifiers = {

🎉 Great job! You should now be able to make restricted tattoos!

Last updated