
We use built-in ACE permissions to handle player access to certain parts of the script.

You can find the settings in permissions.lua

PermissionMap = {
    ['group.superadmin'] = {
        -- Can reset player's stats (keep only for higher roles as this will completely reset all statistics and achievements of a player)
    ['group.admin'] = {
        Permissions.OPEN_CONTROL,           -- Can open control panel to see all stat types
        Permissions.TOGGLE_STAT_TYPE,       -- Can turn on and off stat types
        Permissions.SEE_OTHER_PLAYER_STATS, -- Can see other player stats
        Permissions.SEE_SERVER_STATS,       -- Can see server stats
    ['builtin.everyone'] = {                --Everyone
        Permissions.OPEN_UI,                -- Can open the UI


The ['group.admin'] is the name of the group you want to set it to.

The permissions inside that group are the permissions that the group will be allowed to use.

The builtin.everyone group is for everyone.

Permissions types

  • Permissions.RESET_PLAYERS_STATS - Can reset player's stats (keep only for higher roles as this will completely reset all statistics and achievements of a player)

  • Permissions.OPEN_CONTROL - Can open control panel to see all stat types

  • Permissions.TOGGLE_STAT_TYPE - Can turn on and off stat types

  • Permissions.SEE_OTHER_PLAYER_STATS - Can see other player stats

  • Permissions.SEE_SERVER_STATS - Can see server stats

  • Permissions.OPEN_UI - Can open the UI, everyone should have this one

Last updated