
You can change individual values in config.lua


If you see anything wrong and you would like to know more, for example to show in support ticket, you can set Config.Debug = true to see more debug info in client (F8) console ingame, or server console.


This command could be used by player with group listed in Config.AllowedGroups and it deletes all existing camping props/objects placed on server.


Biggest distance allowed for each item type to be interacted with by player. All item types should be filled here.

Config.AllowedDistance = {
    [Types.TENT] = 12.0,
    [Types.CHAIR] = 3.0,
    [Types.FIREPLACE] = 3.0,
    [Types.GAZEBO] = 10.0,
    [Types.BEER] = 3.0,


Defines how fast should be changing of object heading during placement.


Defines all controls for object placement


When light item is used there is a change that the item breaks. If you want the item to be unbreakable set the value to 0.


Defines all items that could be used for lighting up the fireplace. All items uses ChanceToBrokeFlint.

Heal in Tent

Defines if players will be healed while in tent.

Config.HealingInterval - defines how often is player healed (in seconds) Config.HealthPerRestore - defines how much % from max health should be player healed in each interval (1 - 100%)

Destroyable objects

Config.AllowDestroyableObjects - Defines if objects could be destroyed with gunshots. When set to false DestroyChance and DestroyableObjects are both ignored.

Config.DestroyChance - defines chance if object should be destroyed or not (0 - always fail, 100 - always success, 0-100)

Config.DestroyChance = {
    UNARMED = 0, -- fists, melee attacks without weapons
    MELEE_WEAPONS = 5, -- knife, nightstick, hammer, ...
    RANGED_WEAPONS = 5, -- pistols, smgs, rifles, shotguns, ...
    THROWABLE_WEAPONS = 5, -- grenade, molotov, ...
    EXPLOSION = 100,
    VEHICLE = 100,
    FIRE = 100,

Config.DestroyableObjects - defines objects which could be destroyed with gunshots.


Defines which item should be added to player when beerkeg is cleared.

local beerContainedOptions = {
    ['3_3'] = 'beerkeg',        -- full beerkeg
    ['2_3'] = 'beerkeg_2_3',    -- 2/3 beerkeg
    ['1_3'] = 'beerkeg_1_3',    -- 1/3 beerkeg
    ['0_3'] = 'beerkeg_0_3',    -- empty beerkeg


List of all camping objects which could be used.


    object = 'rcore_wood_fire', -- default object without fire
    usableItem = 'fireplace', -- name of item registered as usable for object placement
    type = Types.FIREPLACE, -- this defines the item is FIREPLACE
    options = {
        inFireObject = 'prop_beach_fire', -- propname of object when fireplace is lighted on


    object = 'ba_prop_battle_tent_01', -- default object
    usableItem = 'tent_1', -- name of item registered as usable for object placement
    type = Types.TENT, -- this defines the item is TENT


    object = 'prop_skid_chair_01', -- default object
    usableItem = 'chair_1', -- name of item registered as usable for object placement
    type = Types.CHAIR, -- this defines the item is CHAIR


    object = 'prop_gazebo_01', -- default object
    usableItem = 'gazebo_1', -- name of item registered as usable for object placement
    type = Types.GAZEBO, -- this defines the item is GAZEBO


    object = 'prop_keg_01', -- default object
    usableItem = 'beerkeg', -- name of item registered as usable for object placement
    type = Types.BEER, -- this defines the item is BEER
    beerContained = 30.0, --how many liters of beer are in keg
    full = 30.0, -- how many liters of beer are in full keg
    containerItemOptions = beerContainedOptions -- check `beerContainedOptions` section


You could define offset for each camping object. If object is not placed correctly on the floor during placement you could add offset to it here.

['rcore_wood_fire'] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.1), -- X, Y, Z


Defines which items could be cooked on fireplace. You could choose length of cooking and result for each item.

    name = 'raw_chicken', -- item which could be cooked
    result = 'cooked_chicken', -- item player receives after cooking
    failChance = 50, -- (optional) you could define % chance of burning the items and have no result
                     -- 100 always succeeds, 0 always fails
    time = 30 * SECONDS, -- how long it takes to cook the item
    anim = Animation.CHICKEN,

You could also add additional required items with specific amounts for cooking. Amount is 1 by default if not specified

    name = 'raw_chicken', -- item which could be cooked
    additionalRequiredItems = {
        {name = 'garlic', amount = 2},
        {name = 'salt'},
    result = 'cooked_chicken', -- item player receives after cooking
    time = 30 * SECONDS, -- how long it takes to cook the item
    anim = Animation.CHICKEN,

Last updated

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