Boss menu + locations

All existing boss menus can be found in the directory: rcore_pdm/config/boss_menu_list.lua

Config.BossMarkerList = {
    -- This is a key and must be uniq name
    ["example_id"] = {
        -- Marker position with interactive menu
        Position = vector3(-719.41, -1326.13, 1.6),

        -- Marker style
        MarkerSpawnerStyle = MarkerSpawnerStyle,

        -- This will select only certain vehicles, if left nil everything will break.
        Job = "boatdealer",

        -- What grade is allowed to open this & see the marker?
        Grades = {"boss", "2"},

        -- Will this boss menu allow changing the vehicle's price from the game?
        ChangingPriceEnabled = true,

        -- Where the vehicle will spawn?
        SpawnPoints = BoatSpawn,

        -- Society name
        Society = "society_boatdealer",

        -- Society name
        SocietyLabel = "boat dealer",

        -- A custom camera position?
        CameraPositions = {
            -- the same ID's like from "Config.CameraPosition"
            ["car"] = BoatShop,

Location for all boss menus

In the default settings of rcore_pdm there are 3 boss menus here is a list of locations + what job + grade you need to have.

X = -31 Y = -1110 Z = 26

Job: dealer Grade: 2

X = -719 Y = -1326 Z = 2

Job: boatdealer Grade: 2

X = -955 Y = -2974 Z = 14

Job: planedealer Grade: 2


Last updated

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