🗒️ All values are properly described in config file of the script. Configuration file is located in rcore_easter/config.lua!
If you have any issue with script and you don't know how to solve it, set Debug = true in configuration file to see additional informations printed to client console (F8) and server console. Screenshots will help our support to solve faster and better your problem in ticket.
You can set up positions of easter eggs in the rcore_easter/positions.lua file. You can add as many positions as you want. We also prepared debug mode so you simply see all points on map. To enable this go to config.lua and change Config.DebugPoints from false to true. Restart the script, and you should see red blips around the map and green lines at different positions.
Map points
Position tool
🗒️ This feature need to be enabled in config please change Config.DebugPoints to true
We add simple tool to help you with adding positions to positions.lua file.
/re_addPoint - add new point
/re_printPoints - print all points to console in vector3 format
/re_clearLastPoint - remove last added point
/re_clearPoints - remove all points
This will help you to add points to positions.lua file. After you use command to print these positions simply add them into positions.lua file. When you restart script you will see all positions thats already in positions.lua in green color and new added points in red color.
File preview
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.DebugLevel = {
Config.DebugPoints = false
Config.SpawnDistance = 100.0
Config.RewardDistanceCheck = 10.0 --User can be max 10m away from reward to get it - if zero it this check will be turned off
Config.Locale = "en"
--Framework settings
Config.Framework = Framework.ESX -- [ESX - es_extended, QBCore - qb-core, Standalone - standalone]
Config.Inventory = Inventory.OX -- [OX - ox_inventory, QB - qb-inventory, QS - qs-inventory, MF - mf-inventory, PS - ps-inventory, LJ - lj-inventory, CORE = core_inventory]
Config.Target = Target.OX -- [NONE - none (pressing E), OX - ox_target, QB - qb-target, Q - qtarget]
Config.Database = Database.MYSQL_ASYNC -- [OX - ox_mysql, MYSQL_ASYNC - mysql-async, GHMATTI - ghmattimysql]
--Spawn logic
Config.SpawnEvery = 1000*60*5 --5 minutes
Config.SpawnDistance = 100.0 --Distance to spawn prop
Config.MaxSpawnedPoints = 3 --We will delete old points if we reach this number
Config.CheckPositionEvery = 1000
--Nearby notification (if player is nearby he will get notification about easter egg)
Config.NearbyNotification = {
enabled = true,
useFrameworkNotification = true,
distance = 50.0,
--included models
Config.GlobalReward = {
name = "bread",
count = 1
name = "water",
count = 1,
Config.Models = {
model = "rcore_easter_egg_01",
rewardCount = 2, --How many reward player get (randomly selected)
reward = Config.GlobalReward
model = "rcore_easter_egg_02",
rewardCount = 2, --How many reward player get (randomly selected)
reward = { --You can add specific items per model or use GlobalReward table
name = "vodka",
count = 1
name = "water",
count = 1,
model = "rcore_easter_egg_03",
rewardCount = 2, --How many reward player get (randomly selected)
reward = Config.GlobalReward
model = "rcore_easter_egg_04",
rewardCount = 2, --How many reward player get (randomly selected)
reward = Config.GlobalReward
model = "rcore_easter_egg_05",
rewardCount = 2, --How many reward player get (randomly selected)
reward = Config.GlobalReward
model = "rcore_easter_egg_06",
rewardCount = 2, --How many reward player get (randomly selected)
reward = Config.GlobalReward
--Pickup animation
Config.pAnimDict = 'anim@move_m@trash'
Config.pAnim = 'pickup'
Config.TargetSettings = {
radius = 3.0,
distance = 3.0,
helpText = _U("target_help_text"),
label = _U("target_label"),
icon = "fa-solid fa-gift",
--If egg is spawned it create radius blip around position where is egg is spawned
Config.EnableRadiusBlip = true
Config.RadiusBlip = {
color = 11,
alpha = 100,
radius = 100.0,
minRadius = 20.0,
sprite = 9,
time = 1000*30, --30 s
text = _U("blip_label"),
changingColor = true,
changingColorParameters = {