Installing on ESX

Installing rcore_casino on an ESX server.

Setting Up Config

Open the file config.lua and setup your framework settings, inside Framework {} and Events {}

Importing Inventory Items

Casino MLO

Please make sure you have a casino map with default coordinates installed on your server (the casino entrance can be modified, as long as the main casino area and tables are at the default coords). If you don't have any casino map on your server, please use our rcore_casino_map. Otherwise, delete the rcore_casino_map folder.

Some MLOs / IPL Loaders can make glitches inside casino, such as broken doors, disabled screens, invisible walls. Make sure you don't use something you don't need :)

Known issues with bob74_ipl

If you use bob74_ipl loader, Inside Track doesn't work properly. Please do following steps to fix the Inside Track betting screen.

Locate file '[standalone]\bob74_ipl\fxmanifest.lua' and delete following code

"dlc_bikers/gang.lua" -- this file breaks Inside Track big screen, keep it only if 

Last updated