Price config

You can change pricing of clothes in bulk by changing the configs/config_price.lua file.

Global price multiplier

  • Config.GlobalPriceMultiplier

    • Multiplies all prices by this value

    • Default: 1.0

Multiplier per shop type

If you want to make only certain shop more expensive, you can set a multiplier for each shop type.

Config.ShopMultiplier = {
    binco = 1.0,
    suburban = 5.0,
    ponsonbys = 15.0,
    ammunation = 4.0,
    beach_masks = 4.0,
    vangelico = 30.0,
    -- some_custom_shop = 1.0,

    -- used when shop is not found
    -- or for items shared across all shops
    -- like undershirts, neckwear, earrings, ...
    default = 1.0,

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