
Do NOT change anything in this file unless you REALLY know what you are doing.

Changing these values can lead to performance issues.

This file contains performance settings for the script that should be changed only if you are having issues with performance or if we tell you to do so in a support ticket.


  • SendToServerInterval - How often (in minutes) the client sends changes to the server. Default is 1 minute.

  • SaveToDatabase - How often (in minutes) the server saves accumulated data to the database. Default is 1 minute.

  • MaxUpdatesPerIteration

    • How many player updated will be handled in one iteration

    • Only players that got their stats updated will be handled

    • The players that are over the limit will be handled in the next iteration

    • Default is 500 players, if you have more players, you can increase this number if you are having trouble.

  • MonitorTiming

    • MONEY - How often (in seconds) the script will check for money changes. Default is 10 seconds.

    • DISTANCE_SAVE - How often (in seconds) the script will save distance traveled. Default is 10 seconds.

    • SAVE_TO_KVP - How often (in seconds) the script will save data to KVP. Default is 60 seconds.

    • CHECK_FAVORITE_CHANGE - How often (in seconds) the script will check for favorite vehicle/weapon change. Default is 60 seconds.

    • SAVE_SHOTS - How often (in seconds) the script will save shots fired. Default is 10 seconds.

    • TIME_PLAYED_SAVE - How often (in minutes) the script will save time played. Default is 1 minute.

    • CHECK_MONITOR_STATES - How often (in minutes) the script will check what stat monitors should be running depending on the stat type enabled state that it measures. Default is 5 seconds.

    • CALCULATE_SERVER_STATS - How often (in minutes) the script will calculate server stats. Default is 15 minute.


Config.Limits is used to set limits to certain parts of the script.

  • MAX_VEHICLE_DISTANCE - maximum distance in meters a player can approximately take in 10 sec to prevent counting distance by teleport, default 1000

  • MAX_WALK_DISTANCE - maximum distance in meters a player can approximately take in 10 sec to prevent counting distance by teleport, default 100

  • MAX_ABOVE_GROUND - maximum height in meters a player can be above ground to count speed in land vehicle (prevent counting speed while falling), default 5

  • MAX_FAVORITE_VEHICLES_LENGTH - maximum number of favorite vehicles to save, default 100

  • MAX_FAVORITE_WEAPONS_LENGTH - maximum number of favorite weapons to save, default 100

  • MIN_DISTANCE_TO_HANDLE_IN_FAVORITES - minimum distance to count with in favorites table, anything less will not get compared, default 50

  • MIN_SHOTS_TO_HANDLE_IN_FAVORITES - minimum shots to count with in favorites table, anything less will not get compared, default 5

  • ADMIN_TOGGLE_STAT_TYPE_COOLDOWN_MINS - cooldown in minutes for toggling stat types in admin panel, default 1 minute

  • ADMIN_REQUEST_STATS_COOLDOWN_SECS - cooldown in seconds for requesting stats of another player, default 10 seconds

Last updated