
All business related stuff to rcore_banners can be found there.

Where to find it?

Path: rcore_banners/configs/business.lua

File preview

Config.Business = {
    Enabled = true, -- What is business state for banners enabled / disabled?
    ServiceFee = true, -- Is service feee enabled?
    ServiceFeeTime = 14, -- Each 14 days service fee is taken from business bank account
    ServiceFeePercentage = 10, -- 10% of business bank account is taken for service fee
    SellBannerPercentage = 50, -- 50% of billboard price is given to player when selling banner

    Printers = {
        ProductionItem = 'paper', -- Which item is needed for production?
        ProductionItemNeed = true, -- Is requirement of item needed for production needed?
        Cooldown = 2 * 60 * 1000 -- 2 mins cooldown

    SocietyOptionsESX = {
        checkBal = true, -- Allow to check society money from boss menu.
        withdraw = true, -- Allow to withdraw from society (boss menu)
        deposit = true, -- Allow to deposit to society (boss menu)
        employees = true, -- Allow to hire employees in business (boss menu)
        salary = true, -- Allow to adjust employeees salary (boss menu)
        grades = true, -- Allow to adjust grades in boss menu.
        wash = false, -- Allow to wash business money.

    -- List of job grades, which holds specific permission access.

    Permissions = {
        ['boss'] = {
            ['workstation'] = {
                [WORKSTATION_PERMS.CAN_SET_BANNER] = true,
        ['manager'] = {
            ['workstation'] = {
                [WORKSTATION_PERMS.CAN_SET_BANNER] = true,

    -- List of business 

    List = {
        ['printers'] = {
            enabled = true, -- Is business enabled and can be used?
            name = "printers", -- Name of business
            pos = vec3(-1064.736, -243.742, 44.021), -- Location of business
            blipEnabled = true, -- Should show blip on the map?
            blip = {
                name = "Printers",
                color = 5, -- Yellow
                scale = 1.0, -- Blip size
                sprite = 783, -- See if you want to change it to something else.
            interact = {
                    type = Interact.PRODUCTION_MINIGAME,
                    pos = vec3(-1053.114, -231.452, 44.021),
                    heading = 296.965
                    type = Interact.PRODUCTION_MINIGAME,
                    pos = vec3(-1053.698, -230.260, 44.021),
                    heading = 296.965
                    type = Interact.BOSS_MENU,
                    pos = vec3(-1050.323, -242.605, 44.020),
                    heading = 126.0

Last updated

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