
In shared/config.lua set

    Config.ForceAppereance = 'rcore_clothing' -- USE THAT IF YOU WANT TO FORCE APPEREANCE RESOURCE

In client/framework/framework_functions.lua find the following line

    if skinData == nil then return debugPrint('Could not find a skin for user. Setting default values') end

and add the following code right after it

    if Framework.AppereanceResource == 'rcore_clothing' then
        exports.rcore_clothing:setPedSkin(ped, skinData)

In server/functions/characters.lua find the following line (inside Characters.ConvertSkin function)

    return skin

and add the following code before it

    if appearanceResource == 'rcore_clothing' then
        local rcoreSkin = exports["rcore_clothing"]:getSkinByIdentifier(convertedIdentifier)
        skin = {
            skin = rcoreSkin.skin,
            model =  rcoreSkin.ped_model,

Last updated

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