Add new shop

New generation of shops

Example how to add a new shop to the rcore_shops.

Config.Shops = {
    { --Testing double shop
     blip = { -- blip settings
         pos = vector3(25.,-1352,29), -- Blip position
         label = 'Dealer test', -- Description of the blip
         sprite = 52, -- Blip image
         color = 1, -- Color of the blip
     sections = {
         dealer = { -- Section called dealer
             renderDistance = 3.0, --Setup smaller distance render so player need to know where it is :)
             label = '🍔 Secret shop', -- 3D text in game
             help = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ open fridge', -- When player come close
             pos = vector3(25, -1352, 29), -- position of the 3D text
             items = { -- What this shop should contians?
                 { -- new set of item
                     name = 'bread', -- real ID name
                     price = 10.0, -- price of the item
                     amount = 1, -- amount of the items

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