Lucky Wheel & Podium Vehicle
Lucky Wheel Info & Settings.
Replacing The Podium Vehicle
Players that have a job casino, and grade 1 or higher, can deliver a vehicle to the Lucky Wheel podium. Drive into a marker in front of the casino garage to deliver/replace the podium vehicle.
After a player wins a podium vehicle, the vehicle is stored in his garage.
Podium Vehicle Ownership Check
By default, casino workers have to own the vehicle which they want to deliver to the podium. You can disable this ownership check in config.lua. When disabled, any vehicle that they are sit in can be delivered.
Lucky Wheel Winning Chance & Money / Chips
You can customize the winning chance of individual items in Lucky Wheel. By default, these are the default winning chances.
Item | Win Chance |
Money #1 (2 500$) | 100 |
Money #2 (5 000$) | 90 |
Money #3 (7 500$) | 80 |
Money #4 (10 000$) | 70 |
Money #5 (15 000$) | 60 |
Money #6 (20 000$) | 50 |
Money #7 (30 000$) | 40 |
Money #8 (40 000$) | 30 |
Money #9 (50 000$) | 20 |
Chips #1 (10 000) | 100 |
Chips #2 (15 000) | 90 |
Chips #3 (20 000) | 80 |
Chips #4 (25 000) | 70 |
Vehicle | 10 |
Nothing | 100 |
Random | 100 |
You can find all the Lucky Wheel settings in const.lua (LuckyWheelItems) Changing win chance: use only numbers between 1 (Very Unlikely) to 100 (Default) Changing value of money and chips items: if it's too bad for your server economy to win such high prices, you can replace money and chips values with your own. Don't forget to edit the values on the Lucky Wheel texture as well. If you don't know how, please download this picture: and use Photoshop to edit the numbers. Don't reposition the pictures or the texts. Everything has to have the same position. After you're done, contact us on our support: and we will help you convert it back to the Lucky Wheel texture.
Last updated