Position editor

In rcore_whiteboard/config.lua you can find Config.OpenEditorCommand = 'rw_editor' thats the command that will open editor. You can change it to whatever you want if you need. This command needs ACE permission to be open in default its set to group.admin you can check rcore_whiteboard/permissions.lua to change it

Usage: /rw_editor [model]

You must use this command with model that is configured in Config.ModelSettings so for example to find proper place for large board you can use /rw_editor rcore_prop_whiteboard_large

It will create object in front of your character and you can go where you want to place it and press ENTER

After you press ENTER it will freeze board to it place and you can manipulate position and rotation with arrows and page up and down

You can change position & rotation mode with LEFT SHIFT after you find proper place press ENTER and then open console with F8 you can find there position and rotation data that you can paste to your config to new board.

Last updated