Prison Break

There you can find all informations related to our Prison break system


  • Prison Break features enable dynamic escape scenarios for players within the game.

  • These features support all popular maps, with Alcatraz support coming soon.


Supports All Maps

  • Compatibility with all popular maps.

  • Future support for Alcatraz map is in development (its planned with author)

Prison Break is not supported in for Molo's Alcatraz Prison!

Multiple Escape Routes

  • Various escape routes are available and marked with blips on the map.

  • Subtitles guide the initiator through the escape process.

Repairable Prison Fences

  • Destroyed prison fences can be repaired by players with the 'job: police' role.

Inventory Clearance and Solitary Confinement

  • Players caught during escape attempts (e.g., cutting the wall) will have their inventory cleared.

  • Caught players are sent to solitary confinement automatically, resetting the prison break process.

Escape Initiation

  • Escape is activated by an in-mate offering to escape from prison.

  • Requires a wire cutter to initiate (by default).

Player Interactions

  • All prisoners can interact with the escape process.

  • New prisoners arriving during an active prison break can also participate.

How It Works

  1. Locate the Initiator:

    • Find the prisoner marked on your map who is offering the chance to escape.

  2. Acquire Required Tools:

    • Ensure you have the necessary tools, such as a wire cutter, to initiate the escape.

  3. Activate Escape Sequence:

    • Interact with the marked prisoner to start the escape process.

  4. Follow the Route:

    • Follow the marked blips on the map that indicate various escape routes.

    • Use the subtitles to guide you through each step.

  5. Avoid Detection:

    • Be cautious to avoid getting caught by the guards or other players.

    • If caught, your inventory will be cleared, and you will be sent to solitary confinement, resetting the escape attempt.

  6. Repairing Fences:

    • If you are playing as a police officer, you can repair destroyed prison fences to prevent escapes.

  7. Engage with Other Players:

    • Interact with other prisoners to collaborate on the escape.

    • New prisoners can join the escape attempt if they arrive while it is active.

How dispatch works for Prison Break?

  1. When police units received dispatch call:

  • When Guards see broken wall, alarm will be started and dispatch is called (Prison break active)

  • When Guards see Prisoner cutting through wall, alarm will be started and dispatch is called (Prison break active)

  • Guards can see only 180 view angle to see/report anything that occurs.

Last updated