Copy "rcore_pingpong", and "rcore_pingpong_assets" in your resources folder.
Add "rcore_pingpong" in your startup order in server.cfg
Resource settings can be configured in config.lua
Config = { GeneralDebug =false, -- Enables or disables debugging. UseLeaderboard =true, -- Enables or disables the use of a leaderboard to track players' table tennis scores. EnableBetting =true, -- Allows or disallows betting on table tennis matches. MinBet =1000, -- Specifies the minimum amount of in-game currency players can bet on their table tennis match. MaxBet =20000, -- Sets the maximum amount of in-game currency that players can bet on a table tennis match. BetStep =1000, -- Determines the increment step for adjusting the bet amount during betting. PlayerIdentifier ="license", -- Identifies the player using their license or a specified identifier. Keys = { ActionKey =38, -- Key code for performing actions in the game. LeaveKey =177, -- Key code for leaving the table tennis game. MouseLock =244, -- Key code for locking/unlocking the mouse during gameplay. RequestTop =182, -- Key code for requesting the top players' scores. CameraTilt =26-- Key code for tilting the in-game camera. },-- All key codes can be found at: Target UseTarget =false, -- whether to use target zones or not TargetZoneType =4, -- 1: q_target, 2: bt_target, 3: qb-target, 4: ox_target Locale ="en", -- Sets the language/locale for in-game text and messages. SpawnDistance =30.0, -- Sets the maximum distance at which table tennis objects (specified in "Objects") can spawn from the player. If the player's distance exceeds this value, the tables will despawn.-- Spawns the table tennis objects in the game world. Objects = { { pos =vector3(-1718.739502, -1109.655029, 12.152875), heading =318.5, model ="prop_table_tennis" }, { pos =vector3(-1715.743652, -1112.305542, 12.152875), heading =318.5, model ="prop_table_tennis" }, { pos =vector3(-1719.719360, -1116.799194, 12.152875), heading =318.5, model ="prop_table_tennis" }, { pos =vector3(-1722.715210, -1114.148804, 12.152875), heading =318.5, model ="prop_table_tennis" }, { pos =vector3(-1477.696, -954.5209, 9.20347), heading =318.0+90.0, model ="prop_table_tennis" }, { pos =vector3(39.75943, 537.7939, 174.8531), heading =110.0, model ="prop_table_tennis" }, { pos =vector3(-589.0319, 105.8244, 67.19884), heading =0.0, model ="prop_table_tennis" } },-- Models that are used for games against AI. AIModels = {"mp_f_deadhooker","s_f_y_hooker_01","s_f_y_movprem_01","s_m_y_baywatch_01","s_m_y_clown_01","s_m_y_mime","ig_amandatownley","ig_denise","ig_djblamryans","ig_kerrymcintosh","ig_lifeinvad_01","ig_money", },-- Framework ESXResourceName ="es_extended", QBCoreResourceName ="qb-core"}
Resource translation is located in rcore_pingpong/locales folder. Please update the Locale setting in config.lua when creating/using another language.