🗒️ All values are properly described in config file of the script. Configuration file is located in rcore_job_blips/config.lua
If you have any issue with script and you don't know how to solve it, set Debug = true
in configuration file to see additional informations printed to client console (F8) and server console. Screenshots will help our support to solve faster and better your problem in ticket.
File preview
Config = {
Debug = false, -- [true/false] - Enables debug mode, which will print additional information to the console.
Locale = 'en', -- [string] - The locale of the script. You can find all locales in `locales` folder.
Framework = Framework.ESX, -- [ESX - es_extended, QBCore - qb-core, Standalone - standalone]
Inventory = Inventory.OX, -- [OX - ox_inventory, QB - qb-inventory, QS - qs-inventory, MF - mf-inventory]
UseRCoreGangs = false, -- [true/false] - Enables rcore_gangs support. If enabled, the script will use rcore_gangs instead of qb-core gangs.
ServerPositionSyncTime = 300, -- [milliseconds] - How often the server should sync the positions of players.
ClientPositionSyncTime = 500, -- [milliseconds] - How often the client should sync the positions of players.
VehicleSyncTime = 1000, -- [milliseconds] - How often the server should sync informations about vehicles.
Commands = {
Prefix = 'prefix',
Suffix = 'suffix',
DefaultBlip = {
-- Placeholders:
-- {JOB_NAME} - The name of the job.
-- {GRADE_NAME} - The name of the grade.
-- {PLAYER_NAME} - The name of the player.
-- {PREFIX} - The prefix of the player.
-- {SUFFIX} - The suffix of the player.
name = '{PLAYER_NAME}', -- [string] - The name of the blip. You can use placeholders to display informations about the player.
sprite = 60, -- [integer] - The sprite of the blip. You can find all sprites here:
color = 2, -- [integer] - The color of the blip. You can find all colors here:
scale = 1.0, -- [float] - The scale of the blip.
-- Display numbers:
-- 2 = Shows on both main map and minimap.
-- 4 = Shows on main map only.
-- 5 = Shows on minimap only.
display = 2, -- [integer] - The display of the blip.
shortRange = false, -- [true/false] - Whether the blip should be short range or not.
category = 7, -- [integer] - The category of the blip. (You can keep it on 7 forever, it's the default category for blips.)
ReplaceLocalPlayerBlip = false, -- [true/false] - Whether the script should replace the local player arrow blip or not.
BlipRotation = true, -- [true/false] - Whether the blip should rotate or not.
VehicleCategoryBlips = { -- [integer/table] - The category of the blip for each vehicle class. You can provide here sprite or whole blip table.
[VehicleClasses.PLANE] = 16,
[VehicleClasses.HELI] = 43,
[VehicleClasses.BOAT] = 410,
[VehicleClasses.AUTOMOBILE] = 56,
[VehicleClasses.BIKE] = 226,
[VehicleClasses.TRAIN] = 545,
VehicleModelBlips = { -- [integer/table] - The blip for each vehicle model. Keep model in `` brackets! You can provide here sprite or whole blip table.
[`police`] = 56,
[`police2`] = {
sprite = 56,
color = 1,
Blips = {
name = 'police', -- [string] - The name of the group.
requirements = { -- [table] - The requirements to be in group.
job = 'police', -- [string] - The job name.
-- gang = 'police', -- [string] - The gang name. (Only if UseRCoreGangs is true or Framework is QBCore)
grades = { -- [table] - The grades of the job.
items = {} -- [table] - The items that the player must have to be in group.
see = { -- [table] - The blips that the player should see when he is in group.
blip = {
-- Placeholders:
-- {JOB_NAME} - The name of the job.
-- {GRADE_NAME} - The name of the grade.
-- {PLAYER_NAME} - The name of the player.
-- {PREFIX} - The prefix of the player.
-- {SUFFIX} - The suffix of the player.
name = '[{JOB_NAME} - {GRADE_NAME}] - {PREFIX} {PLAYER_NAME} {SUFFIX}', -- [string] - The name of the blip. You can use placeholders to display informations about the player.
sprite = 60, -- [integer] - The sprite of the blip. You can find all sprites here:
color = 3, -- [integer] - The color of the blip. You can find all colors here:
headingIndicator = true, -- [true/false] - Whether the blip should show heading indicator or not.
showCone = true,
category = 7, -- [integer] - The category of the blip. (You can keep it on 7 forever, it's the default category for blips.)
allowPrefixSuffixEdit = true, -- [true/false] - Whether the player should be able to edit his prefix and suffix or not.
vehicleBlip = { -- [table] - The blip if player is in vehicle. You can provide here sprite or whole blip table.
color = 3,
sirenFlash = 1,
name = 'police-leaders',
requirements = {
job = 'police',
grades = {
items = {}
see = {
blip = {
sprite = 60,
color = 29,
showCone = true,
headingIndicator = true,
category = 7,
vehicleBlip = {
color = 29,
sirenFlash = 1,
name = 'ems',
requirements = {
job = 'ambulance',
see = {
blip = {
name = '[{JOB_NAME}] - {PREFIX} {PLAYER_NAME}',
sprite = 61,
color = 1,
showCone = true,
headingIndicator = true,
category = 7,
vehicleBlip = {
color = 1,
sirenFlash = 0,
name = 'lsfd',
requirements = {
job = 'lsfd',
see = {
blip = {
name = '[{JOB_NAME}] - {PREFIX} {PLAYER_NAME}',
sprite = 436,
color = 1,
showCone = true,
headingIndicator = true,
category = 7,
vehicleBlip = {
sprite = 800,
color = 1,
sirenFlash = 0,
Last updated
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