
All client exports and events that script provides for developers.


  • Jail target user, only if the initiator of this export is Police officer.

  • Side: client

  • Type: export

  • Usage:

1. Jailing a player if we got closest player.

Logic path: rcore_prison/modules/api/client/cl-jailPlayer.lua - JailPlayerCustom

local playerId = MyServerId
local jailTime = 5 -- Jail for 5 minutes

exports.rcore_prison:Jail(playerId, jailTime)

2. Jailing a player if we dont have closest player, handled by rcore_prison

Logic path: rcore_prison/modules/api/client/cl-jailPlayer.lua - JailClosestPlayer

-- If you dont have any closest player, you can use this event to jail the closest player to you.



  • Unjail target user, only if the initiator of this export is Police officer.

  • Side: client

  • Type: export

  • Usage:

1. Unjailing a player if we got closest player.

Logic path: rcore_prison/modules/api/client/cl-unjailPlayer.lua - UnjailClosestPlayer

local playerId = MyServerId


2. Jailing a player if we dont have closest player, handled by rcore_prison

Logic path: rcore_prison/modules/api/client/cl-unjailPlayer.lua - UnjailPlayerCustom

-- If you dont have any closest player, you can use this event to jail the closest player to you.


  • Returns true/false if player is prisoner

  • Side: client

  • Type: export

  • Usage:

local state = exports.rcore_prison:IsPrisoner()

if state then
    print('User is in prison.')
    print('User is not prisoner.)


  • Returns table of cached user prisoner data, if he is prisoner

  • Side: client

  • Type: export

  • Usage:

--- {

--- serverId: int,
--- officerName: string,
--- owner: string,
--- state: string,
--- jail_time: float,
--- accountId: number,
--- prisonerName: string, 

--- }: table
local cachedPrisonerData = exports.rcore_prison:GetPrisonerData()

local serverId = cachedPrisonerData.serverId -- Prisoner playerId
local officerName = cachedPrisonerData.officerName -- Who jailed this prisoner
local state = cachedPrisonerData.state -- jailType: ['jailed', 'cs]
local jail_time = cachedPrisonerData.jail_time -- jailTime
local accountId = cachedPrisonerData.accountId -- Prison account ID if exist
local prisonerName = cachedPrisonerData.prisonerName -- Prisoner name


  • Used for monitoring actions inside prison, which are being called to this event.

  • Side: client

  • Type: event

  • Usage:

-- actionType: string [released, firstSpawn, prolog, electrician, cigar]
-- state: boolean

AddEventHandler('rcore_prison:hudState', function(actionType, state)
    if actionType == 'firstSpawn' then
        print('user is spawned in prison boi')
    elseif actionType == 'released' then
        print('released boi from prison')

Last updated