Client side

Before shop opens

AddEventHandler('rcore_clothing:onClothingShopOpened', function()
    -- do something before shop opens

After shop closes

AddEventHandler('rcore_clothing:onClothingShopClosed', function()
    -- do something after shop closes

Called when player's skin is loaded (on spawn or after /reloadskin)

AddEventHandler('rcore_clothing:afterSkinLoaded', function()
    -- do something after skin is loaded    

After character creator is finished

AddEventHandler('rcore_clothing:charcreator:done', function()
    -- do something after character creator is finished

Before/after decorations clear

  • Should not be required, whenever clothing removes decorations, it keeps non-clothing related ones

Reapply clothing decorations


Reload player skin


Save current skin


Open changing room

Shows player's purchased clothes and saved outfits.


Open clothing with everything available, for free

For admins primarily.


After purchasing an item

AddEventHandler('rcore_clothing:onItemPurchase', function(componentId, drawableId, textureId, label)
    print('Purchased item: ' .. componentId .. ' ' .. drawableId .. ' ' .. textureId .. ' ' .. label)

Open clothing shop

Opens a clothing shop for the player.

  • shopType - required, type of the shop, you can open shops defined in config, like binco, or write any other type

  • shopConfig - optional, table with shop configuration, see Shop configs documentation

-- RegisterNetEvent('rcore_clothing:openShop', function(shopType, shopConfig)
TriggerEvent('rcore_clothing:openShop', shopType, shopConfig)


Get skin by identifier

local skin = exports["rcore_clothing"]:getSkinByIdentifier(identifier)

Get current player skin

  • includeCharacter - if true, returns character data as well (face, hair, etc.), if false, returns only clothing data

local skin = exports['rcore_clothing']:getPlayerSkin(includeCharacter)

Set player skin

  • forceReload - if true, players ped will be reloaded (respawned)

exports['rcore_clothing']:setPlayerSkin(skin, forceReload)

Set ped skin

exports['rcore_clothing']:setPedSkin(ped, skin)

Fix clipping or wrong arms

This export will attempt to set correct arms for the current top player is wearing.

It is not 100% accurate, but it should fix most of the issues.


Get player clothing (without character features)

Unlike the getters for player skin above, this one will return only clothing data, without character features (face, hair, etc.).

The return value can then be passed to setPedSkin.

local playerClothing = exports['rcore_clothing']:getPlayerClothing()

Server side


Get skin by identifier

local skin = exports["rcore_clothing"]:getSkinByIdentifier(identifier)

Last updated

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