This is main config, where you find all necessary stuff.
File preview
Config = {
Debug = true,
DebugLevel = {
Interact = {
Key = 'E'
COOLDOWN = 5 * 60 * 1000 -- This is the printer time when it will be restarted.
-- All settings related to banners app UI.
MINIGAME_LINE_THICKNESS = 20, -- Thickness of the line
MINIGAME_POINTS_PER_LEVEL = 15, -- How many points player needs to get to level up
MINIGAME_MAX_LEVEL = 3, -- Max level for minigame
APP_LOGO = 'logo.png', -- Can be found in client/ui/web/build/logo.png
NEED_EDITOR_ITEM_STATE = Config.General.NEED_EDITOR_ITEM_STATE, -- Validate if user needs item for placing banners?
NEED_EDITOR_ITEM_NAME = Config.General.Items.BANNER_PLACER, -- Which item is needed for placing banners?
NEED_PRODUCTION_ITEM_STATE = Config.Business.Printers.ProductionItemNeed, -- What item does player need for production?
NEED_PRODUCTION_ITEM_NAME = Config.Business.Printers.ProductionItem, -- Is item required for production of banners?
-- Framework events, if you are using adjusted / renamed framework then adjust it in there.
Events = {
['qb-openBossMenu'] = 'qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu',
['esx-openBossMenu'] = 'esx_society:openBossMenu',
['esx:playerLoaded'] = 'esx:playerLoaded',
['esx:setJob'] = 'esx:setJob',
['esx:playerLogout'] = 'esx:onPlayerLogout',
['QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded'] = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded',
['QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate'] = 'QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate',
FW = {
CORE_NAME_QB = 'qb-core', -- Name of qb-core core resource
CORE_NAME_ESX = 'es_extended', -- Name of es_extended core resource
Menu = {
-- MENU POSITIONS: top-left | top-right | bottom-left | bottom-right
-- HELPKEYS POSITIONS: top-left | top-right | bottom-left | bottom-right
JobSettings = {
menuPosition = 'top-right', --menu position
helpKeysPosition = 'bottom-right' -- Help keys position for settings menu
helpKeysPosition = 'bottom-left' -- Help keys position for controls
Production = {
menuPosition = 'top-right' --menu position
Banners = {
helpKeysPosition = 'top-right' -- Help keys position for controls
Billboards = {
menuPosition = 'top-right' -- menu position
RemoveBannerDuration = 10 * 1000, -- How long it will take to remove banner?
PlaceBannerDuration = 1 * 1000, -- How lot it will take to place a banner.
Framework = nil,
MysqlType = nil, -- [0 - oxmysql, 1 - ghmattimysql, 2 - mysql-async]
Notify = Notify.RCORE, -- [ESX - es_extended, QB - qb-core, RCORE - rcore_banners] AUTO_DETECT - Automatic detection will be performed]
Inventory = Inventories.AUTO_DETECT, -- [OX - ox_inventory, ESX - es_extended, QB - qb-inventory, MF - mf-inventory, QS - qs-inventory, PS-inventory AUTO_DETECT - Automatic detection will be performed]
EnableTargetInteract = false, -- Enable target for business
Target = nil, -- ox_target | qb-target
Locale = 'en', -- Chosoe you language ['en' - english, 'cs' - czech, 'it' - italy, 'de' - germnan]
Commands = {
banners = 'banners',
removeBanners = 'rbanner',
Animations = {
REMOVE_BANNER = { -- Animation used for removing a banner
dict = 'timetable@maid@cleaning_window@idle_a',
name = 'idle_a'
PLACE_BANNER = { -- Animation used for placing a banner
dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@poster@',
name = 'poster_placement'
LOD = {
AREA_DEBUG = true, -- Enable area debug for LOD
RENDER_DISTANCE = 300.0, -- How far banners are rendered (300)
RENDER_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE = 150.0, -- How far banners are rendered
CLOSE_TO_ANY_BANNER_CHECK = 2.5, -- How close player needs to be to any banner to be able to place new one
KEYS = {
EDITOR_EXIT = 'Backspace'
Editor = {
MODIFIER_BANNER_SCALE = 1.0, -- Modifier scale value for banner itself.
DEFAULT_BANNER_SCALE = 1.0, -- Default scale for the banner.
MIN_BANNER_SCALE = 0.0, -- Min scale cannot -1 (negative)
MAX_BANNER_SCALE = 3.0, -- Max banner scale, recommended to keep it as it is.
CLOSEST_BANNER_CHECK = 2.5, -- Used for checking closest placed banner.
CHECK_SURFACE_DIST = 8.0, -- Used when placing banners in worrld
CHECK_BILLBOARD_DIST = 30.0, -- Used when placing banners at billboard.
KEYS = {
ExitEditor = 'BACK',
ExitEditorKeyName = 'Backspace',
CreateBanner = 'E',
CreateBannerKeyName = 'E',
ScaleBannerUp = 'IOM_WHEEL_UP', -- Help keys
ScaleBannerUpKeyName = 'WheelUp', -- Help keys
ScaleBannerDown = 'IOM_WHEEL_DOWN', -- Help keys
ScaleBannerDownKeyName = 'WheelDown', -- Help keys
Experimental = {
InitWait = 1500, -- Wait for NUI to be cached before initializing
Last updated
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