How to begin
Use this page as a helper for your setup process. It will guide you through the necessary steps to get the script up and running easily.
Follow the installation guide
Add permissions to server config
Remove old clothing resources
Optional: Configure permissions.lua
Optional: Migrate old clothing and characters
Read about how to configure the script
Optional: Add addon clothes by following checklist below
Adding addon/replace clothes
You don't need to do this part if you do not have any addon/replace clothes.
Go in-game
Follow the adding addon clothes guide
Enable dangerous commands
Step 1 - Detect replace clothes
Step 2 - Recalibration of replace and addon clothes
script and restart your gameStep 3 - Final stage to take photos and detect colors
READ the dialog carefully and confirm if everything looks alright
Wait for male ped clothing to finish and then confirm dialog of completion
Same dialog to check photo will pop up for female char
Wait for female ped clothing to finish and then confirm dialog of completion
Categorize the clothing - Read why and how here
Stop the
script and restart your game
Last updated
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