Here you can find any functions and events you can use to customize your experience. Please do not edit this stuff if you don't know what you are doing.



Do something before minigame initializes

This function is called when you open the minigame menu.

Useful for example to hide some UI of other script to not overlap with the minigame.

  1. Go to rcore_dance\client\api\cl-api-minigame.lua

  2. Edit body of function DoActionsBeforeMinigameInit

Do something before minigame starts

This function is called when you confirm settings and start minigame, right before countdown appears.

  1. Go to rcore_dance\client\api\cl-api-minigame.lua

  2. Edit body of function DoActionsBeforeMinigameStart

Do something after minigame ends

This function is called when minigame ends and you close it.

Useful for example to show the UI you hidden before minigame started.

  1. Go to rcore_dance\client\api\cl-api-minigame.lua

  2. Edit body of function DoActionsAfterMinigameEnd


Open minigame type menu

This event will open the menu where you can choose the minigame type if you are not already in a menu.


Open solo minigame menu

This event will open the menu for Rhythm Mastery minigame type where you can configure and start it.


Open battle minigame menu

This event will open the menu for Beat Battle minigame type where you can configure and start it.


Open freestyle minigame menu

This event will open the menu for Freestyle Fiesta minigame type where you can configure and start it.


End current dance minigame

This event will end the current dance minigame.

  • isForced

    • true/false; default = false

    • Whether to force end minigame immediately (if false, player will do animation to pickup mat etc.)

  • endedBySessionHost

    • true/false; default = false

    • Whether the session host ended the minigame (will also cancel session for client)

  • dontResetMinimap

    • true/false; default = false

    • Whether to not reset the minimap (if true, minimap will not appear back if hidden)

TriggerEvent('rcore_dance:client:endMinigame', isForced, endedBySessionHost, dontResetMinimap)


Nothing here yet.

Last updated

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