Business with jobs

Complex business with employees and more fun!

Please don't skip the tutorial parts, make sure to start here: Business Update

Only works with ESX/QBCore! For simple standalone business check this 👈

The biggest part of the update is of course a business with employees, customers, society management, minigame.. well let's just take a look!

How to?

First of all, make sure to read Simple Business section as it is a base for the complex business with jobs.

After completing what you read in Simple Business section, you should be left with a configured simple business. Let's now extend it to a fully working business.

From the Simple Business section, you should be left with something like this:

businessName is also used as society/job name for ESX and QBCore (👉 more on QBCore at the end of this tutorial)

  • ESX: (without the 'society_' prefix!)

  • QBCore: same as job name employee will need to have and same thing you will put in jobs.lua (more at the bottom of the page)

my_business = {
    enabled = true,
    businessName = "tattoobusiness",
    owner = "",
    bossMenu = {
        pos   = vector3(1862.2, 3748.2, 33),
        size  = vector3(1, 1, 1),
        color = {r=255, g=255, b=255, a=255},
        markerLabel = '💼'

Now, we will add a job into it like this:

my_business = {
    enabled = true,
    bossMenu = {
    job = {
        -- here we will add all the settings below

Config Structure

job = {
    enabled = true,
    label= "Tattoo shop",
    employeeMarkerLabel = "🖌",
    customerAnim = {
        sitting = {
            pos = vector4(1864.0, 3746.6, 33.2, 0),
            animName = 'ig_5_p3_base',
            animDict = 'timetable@ron@ig_5_p3',
    employeeAnim = {
        idle = {
            pos = vector3(1863.34, 3746.0, 33),
            animName = '_idle_a',
            animDict = 'random@shop_tattoo',
        tattoo = {
            animName = 'machinic_loop_mechandplayer',
            animDict = 'anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@',
    grades = {
            name = 'novice',
            name = 'artist',
            name = 'boss',
            isBoss = true,
    bossmenuOptions = {
        withdraw = true,
        deposit = true,
        wash = false,
        employees = true,
        grades = true,

Looks complicated? Let's break it down!

  • enabled

    • true/falseif the job part should be enabled or not

  • label

    • only used in addon_account table in database

  • employeeMarkerLabel

    • Label to be shown at a place where employee enters the customers tattoo session

    • default is 🖌️, but you can use text and other emojis

  • customerAnim

    • sitting

      • animation of the customer being tattooed

      • pos= vector4 position where player will sit when being tattooed (x,y,z and heading)

      • animName= animation name

      • animDict= animation directory

      • animName and animDict should be left as default, but you can edit it if you want (animation list here)

  • employeeAnim

    • idle

      • animation of employee waiting for customer while they choose tattoo

      • pos= vector3 position where player should stand while idling (will automatically look at customer, no need for heading)

      • animName/animDict - same as in customerAnim

    • tattoo

      • animation of employee tattooing customer

      • pos not needed, used one from idle animation

      • animName/animDict - same as in customerAnim

  • grades

    • for now only boss grade is important as it is used for opening bossmenu etc. (another use may come in future update)

    • grade settings:

      • name= name of the job grade from database

      • isBoss = true/false if this grade should open bossmenu etc.

  • bossmenuOptions

    • If you have ESX, you can configure bossmenu options for each business so you can for example have one illegal business that can wash money

    • data structure:

      • withdraw = money withdrawal from bossmenu, default true

      • deposit = money deposit from bossmenu, default true

      • wash = washing money option in bossmenu, default false

      • employees = employee management option, default true

      • grades = grade management option, default true

QBCore jobs.lua

If you have qbcore, you also need to add the new job to jobs.lua, usually located in qb-core/shared/jobs.lua.

Make sure to also read notes below the code. The job in there will need to have same data as you have in config_business.lua and will look something like this (data are taken from config above):

['tattoobusiness'] = { -- the businessName from config_business.lua
    label = 'Tattoo business',
    defaultDuty = true,
    offDutyPay = false,
    grades = { -- names must be same as in config_business.lua
        ['0'] = {
            name = 'novice',
            payment = 50
        ['1'] = {
            name = 'artist',
            payment = 50
        ['2'] = {
            name = 'boss',
            payment = 50,
            isboss = true -- see notes below

❗ Few things to be careful about:

  • ['tattoobusiness'] = { - value in here is the businessName from config_business.lua

  • grades need to be in the same order as in config_business

  • grades need to have exact same names as in config_business.lua (lowercase/uppercase too)

  • isboss needs to be set for boss grade in jobs.lua

    • also notice that it is isBoss in our config_business, don't mix that up

🎉 If you did everything right, you should now have a working complex business! Now go make that moneeeey! 💰

Last updated

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