
This page serves as a guide to help you integrate your framework with this resource.

For experienced DEVELOPERS only!

Config File

Start by setting the framework to other:

Config.Framework = 3 --[ 1 = ESX / 2 = QBCore / 3 = Other ]

Make sure the following values are left empty:

Config.FrameworkTriggers = {
    notify = '',
    object = '',
    resourceName = '',

Config.FrameworkSQLTables = {
    table = '',
    identifier = '',

Database File

Open the rcore_gangs/server/database/api.lua file. When you start this resource for the first time a thread will automatically create all the necessary tables, however the default collation for these tables is set to utf8mb4_general_ci. Please make sure that's the collation you use for the table where you'll store the gang members, otherwise change it to your currently used collation on the following line:

-- You can find this in your file by searching the following piece of code
local collation = SQL.Scalar('SELECT TABLE_COLLATION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = @tableName', { ['@tableName'] = Config.FrameworkSQLTables.table }) or 'utf8mb4_general_ci'

Once that's done you'll need to make changes to certain functions which communicate with tables outside this resource. These functions share one thing in common which is the fact that they execute dynamically edited sql queries with the help of the config. The way this needs to be edited is to get rid of Config.FrameworkSQLTables.table and Config.FrameworkSQLTables.identifier variables.

-- Config.FrameworkSQLTables.table - This variable represents a table name where the player data is stored
-- Config.FrameworkSQLTables.identifier - This variable represents a column name which is used as an identifier

-- The following functions utilize these variables and need to be edited

Framework Files

Lastly the most crucial part is to integrate client/server framework files. These files are located in rcore_gangs/client/framework/framework_other.lua and rcore_gangs/server/framework/framework_other.lua. This is where you connect your framework with the resource using bridge functions which are described in JSDoc. You can get a good idea on what to do from the other framework files. Here's the most used function for example:

-- Gets a unique player identifier typically used in the database
-- @returns {string | number} identifier - The identifier
Framework.GetPlayerId = function()

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