Interiors presets

There you can find all informatios related to our interior presets.


-- Location: rcore_prison/data/presets/xxx.lua

In short overview, this interior preset system is handling all interaction & options used in our Prison system, which means that you can simply make own interior preset or use already defined ones.

By default there is interior template which is used along with rcore__prison__map.

Supporting GABZ, Uncle Just, Alcatraz interiors by default.

Our interior preset system is offering to change anything you like in terms of:

  1. Spawn points

  2. Other (coords)

  3. Job activities for Prisoners

  4. Canteen

  5. Interaction (npc, marker, type, position)

Spawn points

Spawn points are used for spawning prisoners inside Prison cells, if script detect that are all cells are occupied by some Prisoner, new prisoner will be teleport at prisonYard position as fallback.

You dont need to define any spawnPoints, but its recommended for better immersion.


-- Note: You dont need to define cellId, its just optional.
-- Note The format is strict!

spawnPoints = {
        coords = vec3(1713.704834, 2571.923340, 50.189816),
        cellId = 1,
        coords = vec3(1713.704834, 2571.923340, 50.189816),
        cellId = 1,


There are few coords, which you can change as specific for releasePos, outfitMenu, prisonYard.

-- Format: (x, y, z, heading)

releasePos = vec4(1847.230469, 2587.085693, 45.672638, 269.0),
outfitMenu = vec4(402.704010, -996.795166, -99.000252, 180.0),
prisonYard = vec4(1774.836914, 2552.014404, 45.564976, 74.0),  

Job activities (Jobs)


Define what type of items are going to be in Canteen

Canteen = {
        label = 'Sludgie',
        cost = 50,
        itemName = 'sludgie'


Define positions of interaction points and other specific things.

-- Locations: rcore_prison/configs/interiors.lua ['interaction']
-- Example interaction point with NPC (canteen type)

    npc = {
        model = 's_m_m_prisguard_01',
        heading = 90.0,
    marker = {
        renderState = false,
        rgba = vec4(255, 255, 255, 255),
        size = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
        type = 0
    coords = vec3(1712.886108, 2573.232422, 45.555862),
    type = 'canteen',

Blips for interaction

Option to define blips for specific interactions.

    blip = {
        state = Prison.RenderNPCBlips,
        name = 'Cigarett production',
        sprite = 214,
        scale = 0.6,
        color = 0,
    marker = {
        renderState = false,
        rgba = vec4(255, 255, 255, 255),
        size = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
        type = 0
    coords = vec3(1712.886108, 2573.232422, 45.555862),
    type = 'canteen',

Would you like to disable npc on interaction?

    npc = nil
    marker = {
        renderState = false,
        rgba = vec4(255, 255, 255, 255),
        size = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
        type = 0
    coords = vec3(1712.886108, 2573.232422, 45.555862),
    type = 'canteen',

Telephone booth

Require third-party phone to be connected with Prison callSystem.

    npc = nil
    marker = {
        renderState = true,
        rgba = vec4(255, 255, 255, 255),
        size = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
        type = 0
    booth = {
        number = 1000,
    coords = vec3(1765.303589, 2529.866455, 45.796360),
    type = 'booth',

Last updated