
Each clothes store contains individual components that you can purchase. Their type can be changed under key name. Below you will find all the components that you can configure in the store.

components = {
        label = 'Component label',
        name = 'component_name',

Component names:

"sex" = Gender
"face" = Face
"skin" = Skin
"age_1" = Ageing
"age_2" = Ageing thickness
"beard_1" = Beard type
"beard_2" = Beard opacity
"beard_3" = Beard color
"beard_4" = Beard color 2
"hair_1" = Hair type
"hair_2" = Hair texture
"hair_color_1" = Hair color
"hair_color_2" = Hair color 2
"eye_color" = Eye color
"eyebrows_1" = Eyebrows type
"eyebrows_2" = Eyebrows opacity
"eyebrows_3" = Eyebrows color
"eyebrows_4" = Eyebrows color 2
"makeup_1" = Makeup type
"makeup_2" = Makeup opacity
"makeup_3" = Makeup color
"makeup_4" = Makeup color 2
"lipstick_1" = Lipstick
"lipstick_2" = Lipstick opacity
"lipstick_3" = Lipstick color
"lipstick_4" = Lipstick color 2
"blemishes_1" = Blemishes type
"blemishes_2" = Blemishes opacity
"blush_1" = Blush type
"blush_2" = Blush opacity
"blush_3" = Blush color
"complexion_1" = Complexion type
"complexion_2" = Complexion opacity
"sun_1" = Sun damage type
"sun_2" = Sun damage opacity
"moles_1" = Moles/Freckles type
"moles_2" = Moles/Freckles opacity
"chest_1" = Chest hair type
"chest_2" = Chest hair opacity
"chest_3" = Chest hair color
"bodyb_1" = Body blemishes type
"bodyb_2" = Body blemishes color
"ears_1" = Ears accessories type
"ears_2" = Ears accessories texture
"tshirt_1" = T-Shirt type
"tshirt_2" = T-Shirt texture
"torso_1" = Torso type
"torso_2" = Torso texture
"decals_1" = Decals type
"decals_2" = Decals texture
"arms" = Arms type
"arms_2" = Arms texture
"pants_1" = Pants type
"pants_2" = Pants texture
"shoes_1" = Shoes type
"shoes_2" = Sheos texture
"mask_1" = Mask type
"mask_2" = Mask texture
"bproof_1" = Bulletproof vest type
"bproof_2" = Bulletproof vest texture
"chain_1" = Chain type
"chain_2" = Chain texture
"bags_1" = Bag type
"bags_2" = Bag texture
"helmet_1" = Helmet type
"helmet_2" = Helmet texture
"glasses_1" = Glasses type
"glasses_2" = Glasses texture
"watches_1" = Watches type
"watches_2" = Watches texture
"bracelets_1" = Bracelets type
"bracelets_2" = Bracelets texture

"eyeBrownHigh" = Eyebrow height
"eyeBrownForward" = Eyebrow forward
"eyesOpening" = Eyes opened

"noseWidth" = Nose width
"chinBoneLowering" = Chin lowering
"neckThickness" = Neck thickness

"noseBoneHigh" = Nose bone height
"chinBoneLenght" = Chin length
"lipsThickness" = Lips thickness

"nosePeakLowering" = Nose peak lowering
"nosePeakHigh" = Nose peak height
"jawBoneBackSize" = Jaw bone length
"chinBoneSize" = Chin size
"cheeksWidth" = Cheeks width
"noseBoneTwist" = Nose bone twist
"cheeksBoneWidth" = Cheekbones width
"nosePeakSize" = Nose peak length
"cheeksBoneHigh" = Cheekbones height

"chinHole" = Chin hole size
"jawBoneWidth" = Jaw bone width

Last updated

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