Adding a new clothes shop

Config.Stores = {
        position = vector3(-1164.99,-1586.59,4.38), --Position of blip
        label = 'Vespuci - Masky', --Mask at vespuci beach
        sprite = 362, --Blip sprite
        color = 60,--Blip color
        society = 'society_goverment', --Sociaty that will gain money from this shop, or remove it if you dont want to use it
        sections = {
            glasses = {--Section is one 3D openable text
                pos = vector3(-1164.99,-1586.59,4.38), --Position of it
                label = '🙈', --Display label
                help = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open clothes shop with mask', --Help text
                components = { --Every section has components
                        label = 'Mask', --Component label
                        name = 'mask_1', --Component name are using from skinchanger names mask_1, mask_2 etc
                        from = -1, --From
                        to = 160, --To (automaticly setup so value doesnt matter)
                        current = -1, --Start position (setup by current player clothes)
                        reset = {
                            'mask_2' --If player will change mask_1 - reset mask_2 value
                        price = 50, --Price for mask:_1
                        blacklist = {
                            26,27, --Blacklist for only this shop, you can also use global blacklist, whitelist
                        label = 'Color of the mask', --Mask 2 label
                        name = 'mask_2', --mask_2
                        from = 0,
                        to = 20,
                        current = 0,
                        price = 10, --Price for this element
                cam = {
                    offset = { --Camera offset
                        x = 0.0,
                        y = 1.0,
                        z = 0.7
                    pointOffset = { --Offset of point
                        x = 0,
                        y = 0,
                        z = 0.8
                    taskHeading = 100.66 --Heading, where the player will look

Last updated

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